Memory-wall problem

The memory wall problem refers to a phenomenon that occurs in computer architecture when the processor’s speed outpaces the rate at which data can be transferred to and from the memory system. As a result, the processor must wait for the data to be fetched from memory, which slows down its performance and limits its speed. The memory wall problem has become increasingly significant as processors have become faster and more powerful while memory speeds have not kept pace with these advancements.

Why We Should Avoid Using `else` in Programming

The else keyword is a commonly used control structure in programming. It allows us to execute a block of code if a condition is not true. However, overusing else statements can lead to less readable and maintainable code. In this article, we’ll explore why we should avoid using else clauses in our code and look at some alternatives that can make our code more concise and readable. Why Overusing else is a Bad Idea One of the main arguments against using else statements is that they can make our code more complex and harder to read.

Writing tests in Go (business apps)

There are many practices and tactics that tackle testing. Today, I’ll share with you how I write tests for my projects. Please notice that you may find it useful when starting a new project or an independent part of existing applications. You may find it difficult to apply in an already existing application. It’s not impossible but it may be challenging. Table of content General rules for tests Works out of the box Single responsible As simple as possible Irrelevant code should be extracted How does the architecture of the package look like?

My Smart Home high-level architecture

I’m building a house. I want to make it “smart”. The goal is to save as much my (or my family’s) time as possible in the future. I needed a plan about how to do it. After some research I came up with the following architecture. Firstly, I needed a base. The base system that it will be the heart of everything. I had a few core requrements for it.

JSON in Go

In this article, I’ll tell you everything that you need to start using JSON in Go Fluent. We’ll start with some basic usage, we’ll talk about different ways of working in JSON and how to customize it. In the end, you’ll find a FAQ where I put the most common questions about JSON in Go. Table of content Basic usage Marshaling Unmarshalling Struct tags Encoder/decoder The performance? Indenting MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON UnmarshalJSON example FAQ What if I don’t know the schema?

Honestly about why Go sucks (or not)

Go is very opinionated. There are arguments that are based on personal preferences like “I don’t like the syntax” and much more specific. In this article, I’ll focus on the second type of arguments why Go isn’t the best language and confirm/denied them. My goal is to tell you the truth about the language. Table of content Arguments agains the language Lack of Function Overloading and Default Values for Arguments (https://www.

Top level logging

I like having the core logic of our application free of distractions like too many technical “details” like logging or generating metrics. Of course, sometimes it’s hard to avoid it. I found in many projects a situation where we put the logger very deeply inside of the code. At the end of the day, we had the logger almost everywhere. In tests, we had to provide the mocked implementation everywhere as well.

`replace` directive in go modules

Sometimes, we may want to use a library but a slightly modified version. It happens very often when we develop the library but test it in the context of an application. Go has a handy mechanism in go modules that can help us with it. To make it work, we have to clone the library somewhere near the target project and run the following command in the application’s folder. go mod edit -replace github.


gRPC supports authentication. Adding it to your project is simple. All you have to do is configure it with just a few lines of code. One of the authentication types that gRPC supports is SSL/TLS. From the server-side, the code looks like this: creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(certFile, keyFile) if err != nil { // handle the error - no ignore it! } s := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(creds)) The client has to update the code as shown below.